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No.121592562 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>best guitarist in Alternative Rock
>best songwriter in Alternative Rock
>literally cucked only rival into suicide
>fucked every female bassist
>fucked the new female guitarist (
>buys ferraris with cash
>hung out with 3peat era Chicago Bulls
16 posts and 5 images omitted


No.121592804 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
203 posts and 92 images omitted

I am forced to take aux at work.

No.121590885 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
We take turns, and if your music is bad you get made fun of. What the hell am I suppsed to play for a group of zoomers? We need hype music but it can't be boring. Where is a place where I can find good music? I'm clicking around youtube and youtube music but I'm struggling. What do zoomers listen to at parties?
12 posts and 1 image omitted

No.121592758 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why didnt JPop become a hit in the West? Its a shame no one here even knows the GOAT female singer.

It's time to play ROCKBUSTERS

No.121580533 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Each cryptic clue represents an artist or band, the letters are the initials of the band or artist.
>I threw my hot dog into the sea. What's going on there?
Initials: FO
>That bloke will get you fitted for a suit proper quickly. What's going on there?
Initials: TS
>They got some paving done in Kenya. What's going on there?
Initials: BCNR
Winner gets a copy of CHILDREN OF THE CORN on VHS
15 posts and 1 image omitted

/metal/ general

No.121589700 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Cute tranner edition
previously on /metal/: >>121583327
334 posts and 98 images omitted

No.121591790 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
There's nothing more boring and immature than an artist who feels he needs to shit on everyone else to seem cool.
1 post omitted

Albums you used to hate, but you now love

No.121591591 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have become addicted to this album. Which is funny, because I used to think it was incredibly boring. But it clicked hard.

no David Bowie thread? let's fix that

No.121584772 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
love him
love his discography
simple as
40 posts and 36 images omitted


No.121593084 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Obtained Ensupremacy edition

Torned Winds From A Past Star: >>121589700