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No.121553789 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>song is called Time
>clock noises
>song is called Money
>cash register noises
>song is called Welcome to the Machine
>machine noises
>song is called Dogs
>dogs barking
>song is called Pigs
>pigs squeaking
>song is called Sheep
>sheep bleats
>song is called Run Like Hell
>running footstep noises

Wow, what brilliant conceptual geniuses
23 posts and 4 images omitted


No.121556821 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
158 posts and 85 images omitted


No.121552612 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Keyboards edition

Journey To The End >>121545689
187 posts and 27 images omitted

why are zoomers obsessed with rap

No.121552725 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm gen Z and I NEVER got this.
I can sorta get it for African Americans (my brother-in-law is black) but there are white zoomers that talk like African Americans right down to the slang and accent and it wierds me out.
I'm not a fan of rap. I can listen to it but it's not something I seek out, so when I go online and see these people talk about how these rappers are geniuses I get confused. It's everywhere and I honesty feel left out.
I'm autistic so maybe that's why I don't get it.
6 posts omitted

/gg/ - guitar & bass general

No.121554523 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
tomboy edition
75 posts and 20 images omitted

No.121548600 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
favourite ghiblis
13 posts and 4 images omitted

No.121555671 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
she needs to give me some of that good sh- i mean good gir- album

No.121550127 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Essential croonershit?
50 posts and 2 images omitted

No.121556879 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
My peers (I'm a zoomer) will listen to the most mid music you've ever heard and be like "yo bro this shit slaps straight fire fr"


No.121551276 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
d'Indy edition

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous: >>121452173
111 posts and 13 images omitted